Cosmologist Dr.Penzias found the trace of the birth of the Universe in 1964. He proofed the reason why we are existing right now.
When Arno Allan Penzias was investigating Microwave antenna, he observed noises from space. After he published a monograph, this unknown noise apparent to be CMB. Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is the oldest picture of the Universe because the observer cannot capture further Universe by wave observation. By the analysis, the differences of temperature are found on the map. Also, it shows that the Universe used to be very high temperature. After the expansion of the Universe, elements are created and now, we exist. These facts proofed Big Bang theory.
In this work, we made this temperature difference audible. Brown noise is used to auralised to feel the temperature difference because it is the same motion of particles in heat.
We hope to hear the small difference of sounds in the work because it is connected to our diversity.